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Portions of this column were originally written for the April 2009 edition of News Photographer Magazine.
Mark Loundy is a media producer and consultant based in San Jose, California. Full bio.
The opinions in this article are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Press Photographers Association.
April 2009, Volume 78
By Mark Loundy
"Our Fortune rolls, as from a smooth Descent,
And, from the first Impression, takes the Bent;"
— John Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel
The first thing you want to do with a potential customer is piss them off. At least that's the philosophy some photographers follow on their websites.
The folks at Photoshelter surveyed more than 500 commercial and editorial image buyers and found out what they really want (and don't want) from a photog's website.
Mandatory Flash intros
Sites that take longer than 15 seconds to load
Images that are too small
Images that are too big
Inconsistent navigation
Thumbnail navigation
Unobtrusive (or no) watermarks
Neutral-colored backgrounds
Keyword searchability
Keep E-mail and phone number always visible
The report also talks about onsite purchasing, music, low-res downloads for comps and much more.
My personal pet peeves are sites that force a busy editor through a linear slideshow to see a portfolio. You've gotta have the abovementioned thumbnails.
The best news is that 60% of buyers expect their purchasing budgets to increase or remain level in 2009.
You can download the entire report for free from Photoshelter.
They say that you only get one chance at a first impression. Wasting it with an ill-conceived website is not the way to compete in today's market.

J Group Photo and Picture Jobs (PJs) Network, which is looking for an experienced documentary photographer to donate their skills to the Peace Corps Fellows program. It doesn't pay, but if it fits into your personal business plan, it's a heck of a good cause.

The Washington, DC client looking for both photography and make-up services in exchange for the ever-popular "exposure."
The organizer for the self-described, "multi-ethnic, pagan, gay wedding," who was offering $180 for photo services. Thus proving that no group has a monopoly on stinginess.

The USC Law School for their all-rights, etc., etc. contract. But, hey, what would you expect from a bunch of proto lawyers? A grad student probably wrote this one.
Please let me know of any particularly good, bad or ugly dealings that you have had with clients recently. I will use the client's name, but I won't use your name if you don't want me to. Anonymous submissions will not be considered. Please include contact information for yourself and for the client.
Schmap Guides is trolling for free photos again. Their infamous, "one of your photos has been short listed for inclusion...," E-mails have been popping up in many photographers' in-boxes. The Schmap guides are actually pretty cool. When I installed the guide for San Jose, California on my computer, it noted that a limited number of images were included with the application and it invited me to download the rest of them. When I did, 2073 images poured into the mapplication — all of them obtained for free from photographers promised high quality "exposure" with links from their images in the map to the photographer's sites on Flickr.
Freelancer Mason Hipp has broken it right down. The feast and famine cycle, doing it all yourself, balancing work and life, etc., we all know the list. But Sean not only raises our collective consciousness, he has suggestions on how to face these challenges in a piece he wrote for Freelance Folder.